.                          .    
                            .                   .        .        •  
       ▄▄███▄   ▪   ▄▄▄▄·     ▄▄███▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ .▄  ▄▄██▄  ▪   ▄▄▄      
     .▀ ▪  ▐█▌ ▄█▀▄ ▐█ ▀█    ▀    ▀██ ▀▄  ▀·██ ▐█  ▄ █·██ ▐█  ▀ ▪   
   ▪    █▄▄█▀ ▐██ ▐ ▐█▀▀█▄  ▪  ▐█▀▀█▄ ▐▀▀  ▄██▀██▐█▀▀▄ ▐█·▄█ ▪▀█▄   
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     -~-~-~-~-~-~ hardware hacker and design deliriant ~-~-~-~-~-~-
╔══════════════════[ Projects ][ About ][ Contact ]═══════════════════╗
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╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪════════════: BitSynth: Controlled Quantization Synth :════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
BitSynth started out as an NES synth emulator but I decided     ║▐
║     to expand the capabilities. The user can choose how much        ║▐
║     quantization/resolution (1 to 8 bits) they want for the         ║▐
║     selectable waveforms. There are seven different waveforms       ║▐
║     made up of one to three oscillators, saw x3, square x3,         ║▐
║     saw/square/saw, triangle/square/triangle,                       ║▐
║     triangle/square/triangle, hard-sync saw, and NES (similar       ║▐
║     to the triangle waveform produced by the old Ricoh 2A03         ║▐
║     chip found in the Nintendo Entertainment System). Holding       ║▐
║     true to the original design, there is a switch to set           ║▐
║     synthesizer to a constant velocity, and I have added a          ║▐
║     switch to turn on a low-pass filter to get rid of some of       ║▐
║     the aliasing due to the sharp jumps of the quantized            ║▐
║     waveforms, but this also kills some of the quantization, so     ║▐
║     that's why it's optional.                                       ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║     Additionally, a user can produce a few variations of white      ║▐
║     noise. The NES could produce 16 different noise                 ║▐
║     frequencies, but this design narrows it down to four. The       ║▐
║     keys used to trigger the white noise can be moved around        ║▐
║     with a slider to set a position for where they are played       ║▐
║     on the keyboard, so if you want to play high frequencies        ║▐
║     with noise notes, the noise start can be set to a MIDI note     ║▐
║     of 40 or if you want the reverse, you can move the noise        ║▐
║     start up to somewhere around 80. The noise variances are        ║▐
║     created by filtering the white noise. The lowest noise is       ║▐
║     produced with a low-pass filter on the noise with a cutoff      ║▐
║     frequency of 1200 Hz. The two middle noise frequencies are      ║▐
║     produced with band-pass filters on the noise at 800 Hz and      ║▐
║     3200 Hz. The highest noise frequency is produced with a         ║▐
║     high-pass filter on the noise starting at 3200 Hz. The          ║▐
║     noise volume can be adjusted with the Noise Osc slider.         ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║     This project was created in RackAFX and tested in Ableton 9     ║▐
║     Live.                                                           ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║     NES waveform with 3 bit quantization:                           ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ Downloads ║▐ ║ ║▐ ║ dll file (VST compatible) ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪═══════════════════════════: Projects :════════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║     DEF CON 31 Hardware Hacking Village CTF .............. 2023     ║▐
║     THOTCON 0xC Electronic Conference Badge .............. 2023     ║▐
║     DEF CON 30 Hardware Hacking Village CTF .............. 2022     ║▐
║     ParFive: a Daily Golf-Themed Word Game ............... 2022     ║▐
║     THOTCON 0xB Electronic Conference Badge .............. 2022     ║▐
║     DEF CON Hardware Hacking Village CTF ................. 2021     ║▐
║     SAOwner: Electronic Badge i2c Interposer ............. 2019     ║▐
║     Pintwood Derby: Team Cheetah Strikes Again ........... 2019     ║▐
║     Commuter - Game and Controller ....................... 2018     ║▐
║     crAPU: crappy Audio Processing Unit SAO for DC26 ..... 2018     ║▐
║     Pintwood Derby: the Cheetah Car ...................... 2018     ║▐
║     RAND: IDEO Chicago Installation ...................... 2017     ║▐
║     Ox Vox: DEF CON 25 and BSidesPDX Badge Hack .......... 2017     ║▐
║     Upgrading the Oxygen Concentrator Inferface .......... 2017     ║▐
║     Giving Furby a New Voice Box ......................... 2017     ║▐
║     Cigar Mic: DEF CON 24 Badge Hack ..................... 2016     ║▐
║     Personal Logo Design ................................. 2014     ║▐
║     9-Degrees of Freedom Wireless IMU .................... 2014     ║▐
║     BitSynth: Controlled Quantization Synth .............. 2013     ║▐
║     Psychomasker: Audio Compression Visualization App .... 2013     ║▐
║     Bike Design Using Webcode ............................ 2013     ║▐
║     Canal Construction Logo Design ....................... 2013     ║▐
║     Record Player Design Using Webcode ................... 2013     ║▐
║     Subzero: Refrigerator Subwoofer ...................... 2013     ║▐
║     Shark Attack Game for iPad ........................... 2013     ║▐
║     Gardner Nested All-Pass Filter Reverb Plugin ......... 2013     ║▐
║     Slam Mixer Audio Mixer App for iPad .................. 2013     ║▐
║     Roland Space Echo Audio Plugin ....................... 2013     ║▐
║     MIDIogame Controller: Creating Music From Gameplay ... 2012     ║▐
║     Car Charger Technical Illustration ................... 2012     ║▐
║     eVORG Logo Designs ................................... 2012     ║▐
║     Newark Bike Project Designs .......................... 2012     ║▐
║     DEFCON 19 Bot Badge .................................. 2010     ║▐
║     WiiAssist: 3D Head Tracking with Wiimotes ............ 2009     ║▐
║     Off-the-Shelf Open Source Security System ............ 2009     ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪═════════════════════════════: About :═════════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
Part hardware hacker, part creative technologist, and part      ║▐
║     human-centered designer thriving at the cross-section of        ║▐
║     engineering and design.                                         ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║     Led to engineering through my love for music, art, and          ║▐
║     math, I hold degrees in electrical, computer, and music         ║▐
║     engineering. Following a stint in academia, I joined IDEO       ║▐
║     as a senior electrical engineer where I contributed             ║▐
║     creative problem solving and prototyping fluency to a           ║▐
║     breadth of projects ranging from vehicles of the future, to     ║▐
║     life-changing medical equipment, to innovative children's       ║▐
║     toys. Most recently, I was at Delve and now Sundberg-Ferar,     ║▐
║     diving deeper into engineering for production, and working      ║▐
║     on bringing ideas and prototypes to reality.                    ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║     Outside of work, I enjoy creating rotoscopes and                ║▐
║     illustrations, reverse engineering electronic toys, and         ║▐
║     taking a break from screens by running, biking, and camping     ║▐
║     in the great outdoors.                                          ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪═══════════════════════════: Education :═══════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ MS in Music Engineering ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     School .... University of Miami, Miami, FL                      ║▐
║     Grad year . 2014                                                ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     School .... University of Delaware, Newark, DE                  ║▐
║     Grad year . 2012                                                ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ BEE in Electrical Engineering ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     School .... University of Delaware, Newark, DE                  ║▐
║     Grad year . 2011                                                ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪══════════════════════════: Experience :═══════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Senior Electrical Engineer ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... Sundberg-Ferar, Detroit, MI                         ║▐
║     Key roles . Launched and led Electrical Engineering offering    ║▐
║               . Developed embedded hardware and software products   ║▐
║               . Managed projects and client relationships           ║▐
║               . Designed from prototype through manufacturing       ║▐
║     Years ..... May '22 - Present                                   ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Senior II Electrical Engineer ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... Bresslergroup / Delve, Philadelphia, PA             ║▐
║     Key roles . Developed embedded hardware for diagnostic devices  ║▐
║               . Developed embedded firmware with precision-timing   ║▐
║               . Designed for manufacturing                          ║▐
║     Years ..... Nov '20 - Apr '22                                   ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Senior Electrical Engineer ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... IDEO, Chicago, IL                                   ║▐
║     Key roles . Specialized in rapid hardware prototyping           ║▐
║               . Developed embedded and front-end software           ║▐
║               . Designed human-centered solutions for clients       ║▐
║     Years ..... Sep '14 - Oct '20                                   ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ User Experience Intern ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... Shure, Niles, IL                                    ║▐
║     Years ..... Summer '13 & Summer '14                             ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Graduate Research Assistant ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... Univ. of Miami, Music Eng Dept, Miami, FL           ║▐
║     Years ..... Aug '12 - May '14                                   ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Co-Founder and Shop Manager ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... Newark Bike Project, Newark, DE                     ║▐
║     Years ..... Oct '11 - Aug '12                                   ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Undergrad/Grad Research Assistant ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-   ║▐
║     Company ... Univ. of Delaware, Elec/Comp Eng Dept, Newark, DE   ║▐
║     Years ..... Feb '09 & Aug '12                                   ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪════════════════════════════: Skills :═════════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║                   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Engineering ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-                   ║▐
║     Hardware Hacking     3D CAD Modeling  Embedded Dev & Design     ║▐
║     Reverse Engineering    Prototyping    Human-Centered Design     ║▐
║     Digital Synth Design   PCB Design    Human-Comp Interaction     ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║                   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Languages ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-                   ║▐
║     C, C++, Obj-C           HTML, CSS             Spanish (int)     ║▐
║     Basic Assembly         Javascript            Japanese (beg)     ║▐
║     Matlab                   Python                                 ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║                   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Software ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-                   ║▐
║     Adobe Creative Cloud Autodesk Fusion          Microsoft 365     ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐
║                   -=≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ Other ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡=-                   ║▐
║     Screen Printing       Bike Mechanic        Furby Technician     ║▐
║     Sketching             Illustrating                              ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪═══════════════════════: Honors and Awards :═══════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║     2nd Place NorthSec CTF ............................... 2022     ║▐
║     1st Place DerbyMUD CTF, Derbycon 9.0 ................. 2019     ║▐
║     1st Place Digerati's Atlas CTF, THOTCON 0xA .......... 2019     ║▐
║     2nd Place Badge CTF, THOTCON 0x9 ..................... 2018     ║▐
║     2nd Place Music Hack Day Miami ....................... 2014     ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪════════════════════════════: Contact :════════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║     Email .................................... website@<domain>     ║▐
║     Blog ............................................. reset.io     ║▐
║     Github ......................................... mediumrehr     ║▐
║     Codepen ......................................... robrehrig     ║▐
╟┐                                                                   ┌╢▐
╠╪════════════════════════════: Greetz :═════════════════════════════╪╣▐
╟┘                                                                   └╢▐
║                   .:  Malörtware & cold_root  :.                    ║▐
║                                                                     ║▐